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Keeping Viruses Out of Your Home

This pandemic has already had profound effects on people’s everyday lives. One thing it’s really highlighted for some people is the way they clean their homes. For many, sanitizing packages they receive, wiping down items they purchase, and disinfecting surfaces in their homes have become a typical routine.

While it’s true that the CDC has recently adjusted what they’ve said about how the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 behaves on surfaces, they still recommend a routine of disinfecting your home. Of course, this practice would also help to keep other viruses away. Believe it or not, COVID-19 isn’t the only contagious disease out there!

There are a large number of commercial disinfectant products available. Disinfecting common touchpoints like tables, desks, handles, keyboards, mice, phones, faucets, and toilets is a very important practice in keeping your home free from illness-causing viruses. This can contribute to the overall wellbeing of you and your home.

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