No Credit Card Fees Charged!
Home Inspection Fees
Home Inspection Starts @ $415 + square foot + age + mileage (please call, text, email, or Book-Online)
Outbuildings/Barn $115 (no plumbing)
Detached Garage $75
Attached Garage $45
Crawlspaces $75
Commercial Inspection Fees
Inspection Fees Start @ $515 + mileage or $0.11-$0.35 sf (please call, text or email for a quote and/or visit
Draw/Phase Inspection
Fees start at $350 (please call, text or email for a quote)
Four Point Inspections
$150 with an inspection ($250 Stand-Alone)
Ancillary Services
Radon $199 ($299 stand-alone + mileage)
Enhanced Well Inspections w/ Warranty $299 ($399 stand-alone + mileage)
Walk-Through Inspection $295
Meth Testing Instant Minimum 3 Instant Samples @ $255. ($75 per each) ($355 stand-alone + mileage)
-4 Working Day $164
-3 Working Day $205
-2 Working Day $255
-1 Working Day $305
-Same Day $355
(Meth samples are overnighted to the lab. Working days are days after it arrives at the lab. Shipping time not included in working days.)
Air Sampling Minimum 3 Samples $349 ($85 each additional) (stand-alone $449 + mileage)
Mold Surface Samples 2 Samples $259 (additional $85) (stand-alone $349 + mileage)
Stand Alone Full Thermal Scan $359 + mileage-up to 2000sf
Limited Lead $159 (stand-alone $249 + mileage)
Cost estimate repair report $99
Appliance recall lookup $85
Solar System $159
Swimming Pool and Spa Inspection $289
Physical Needs Assessment $159
Irrigation System Inspection $159
Sewer Scopes $400
HUD Foundation Certification $475 + Mileage
Stand-alone crawlspace inspections Starting at $250
Well Water Inspection
Coliform and E. coli $269 ($329 stand-alone + mileage)
Generally, 3 business day turnaround time.
E. coli, Total Coliform
Basic Well-$373 ($433 stand-alone + mileage)
Generally, 3 business day turnaround time.
Arsenic, Lead, Non-Metal Inorganic, Nitrate (as N), Nitrite (as N), Microbiology, E. coli, Total Coliform
Well Pro-$478 ($538 stand-alone + mileage)
Generally, 3 business day turnaround time.
Aluminum, Antimony, Arsenic, Barium, Beryllium, Boron, Cadmium, Calcium, Chromium (Total), Cobalt, Copper, Iron, Lead, Lithium, Magnesium, Manganese, Mercury, Molybdenum, Nickel, Selenium, Silver, Sodium, Strontium, Thallium, Tin, Titanium, Uranium, Vanadium, Zinc
Non-Metal Inorganics
Alkalinity (as CaCO3), Chloride, Conductivity, Fluoride, Hardness, Nitrate (as N), Nitrite (as N), Phosphorous, Sulfate, Turbidity, pH
E. coli, Total Coliform
Total Dissolved Solids, Potassium, Silica, Calculated Parameters, CSMR, Grains per gallon, Hardness (Total), Hardness (Ca,Mg), Sodium Adsorption Ratio, Langelier Saturation Index
Well Plus Water–$583 ($643 stand-alone + mileage)
Generally, 3 business day turnaround time.
1,1 Dichloroethane, 1,1 Dichloroethylene, 1,1 Dichloropropene, 1,1,1 Trichloroethane, 1,1,1,2 Tetrachloroethane, 1,1,2 Trichloroethane, 1,1,2,2 Tetrachloroethane, 1,2 Dichlorobenzene, 1,2 Dichloroethane, 1,2 Dichloropropane, 1,2,3 Trichlorobenzene, 1,2,3 Trichloropropane, 1,2,4 Trichlorobenzene, 1,2,4 Trimethylbenzene, 1,3 Dichlorobenzene, 1,3 Dichloropropane, 1,3,5 Trimethylbenzene, 1,4 Dichlorobenzene, 2,2 Dichloropropane, Benzene, Bromobenzene, Bromochloromethane, Bromoform, Bromomethane, Carbon Tetrachloride, Chlorobenzene, Chloroethane, Chloroform, Chloromethane, Chlorotoluene 2, Chlorotoluene 4, Dibromochloromethane, Dibromochloropropane, Dibromomethane, Dichlorodifluoromethane, Dichloromethane, Ethylbenzene, Ethylene dibromide, Hexachlorobutadiene, Isopropylbenzene, Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether, Naphthalene, Styrene, Tetrachloroethylene, Toluene, Trichloroethylene, Trichlorofluoromethane, Vinyl Chloride, cis 1,2 Dichloroethylene, cis 1,3 Dichloropropene, m,p Xylene, n Butylbenzene, n Propylbenzene, o Xylene, CD C p Isopropyltoluene, tert Butylbenzene, trans 1,3 Dichloropropene
Aluminum, Antimony, Arsenic, Barium, Beryllium, Boron, Cadmium, Calcium, Chromium (Total), Cobalt, Copper, Iron, Lead, Lithium, Magnesium, Manganese, Mercury, Molybdenum, Nickel, Selenium, Silver, Sodium, Strontium, Thallium, Tin, Titanium, Uranium, Vanadium, Zinc
Non-Metal Inorganics
Alkalinity (as CaCO3), Chloride, Conductivity, Fluoride, Hardness, Nitrate (as N), Nitrite (as N), Phosphorous, Sulfate, Turbidity, pH
E. coli, Total Coliform
Total Dissolved Solids, sec Butylbenzene, Bromodichloromethane, Potassium, Silica
Calculated Parameters
CSMR, Grains per gallon, Hardness (Total), Hardness (Ca,Mg), Total THMs, Sodium Adsorption Ratio, Langelier Saturation Index
(Water samples are overnighted to the lab. Working days or turnaround time are days after it arrives at the lab. Shipping time not included in working days. Generally, 3 business day turnaround time after it reaches the lab.)
No Hidden Fees
No Preferred Vendor Markups, Referral Fees or Kickback Schemes
Fees below are approximate based on the average time of visit within 20 minutes of our office.
Tier 1:
Residence up to 2,499 square ft:
1 Visit per month – $225
2 Visits per month – $400
4 Visits per month – $600
Lot up to 11,999 square ft:
Tier 2:
Residence 2,500 – 3,999 square ft:
1 Visit per month – $250
2 Visits per month – $450
4 Visits per month – $650
Lot 12,000 – 19,999 square ft:
Tier 3:
Residence 4,000 – 6,999 square ft:
1 Visit per month – $275
2 Visits per month – $500
4 Visits per month – $800
Lot 20,000 – 39,999 square ft:
Tier 4:
Residence 7000-10,999 square ft:
1 Visit per month – $375
2 Visits per month – $650
4 Visits per month – $1000
Lot 40,000 – 59,999 square ft:
Tier 5:
Residence 11,000 – 15,999 square ft:
1 Visit per month – $625
2 Visits per month – $750
4 Visits per month – $1200
Lot 60,000 – 90,000 square ft:
Extra Service Fees
Home Bill Paying: $250 per month (Example: Landscape Maintenance, Utilities, Communications, Pest Control and more):
Extra Service Fees: Time + Material for Additional Labor and Supplies
Rates billed hourly in 15 Minute increments as needed:
$125 / hour regular business hours (9:00 AM to 6 PM – Monday – Friday)
Overtime: 1.5 times the hourly rate: Hours beyond regular business hours 8am-6pm (Monday thru Friday & all Day Saturday.)
Double Time: 2 times the hourly rate: Sundays and Legal Holidays
Basic Services Include:
Forward first class mail, remove newspapers and flyers from your property.
Visually check the overall condition of your single family home including exterior of home, landscaping, and and interior of home.
Visually check for stains signs of water leaks; ceilings, windows and doors.
Visually check signs of pest intrusion.
Check windows for signs water or vandal intrusion and verify they are locked.
Visually check circuit breakers and reset any that have flipped.
Check exterior decks for water ponding and dry rot,
Run garbage disposal, dishwasher, washing machine and dryer.
Check refrigerator and freezer to ensure cooling.
Run all spigots/faucets to ensure P-traps are full.
Flush all toilets and wait until the run is complete.
Check thermostat and air conditioning to verify operation.
Visually check for signs of mildew and mold.
Reset security system upon departure.
Our basic services are offered at base rates. We can customize services to fit your needs.
Detailed report with every visit.